How we work


The way we work, the standards and specifications we work to, the checks and balances within our processes, all allow us to monitor and deliver excellence in design and design management. This is the fundamental philosophy at T2 Consulting Group. – RAGHU NARAYANASWAMY – Director

The Goal

T2 Consulting Group is a process driven organization and its goal is to add value in the space planning, design, procurement and implementation cycles of their projects to allow clients to maximize their return on investment by providing excellent design and fully coordinated drawings/specifications.

Standards, specifications and solutions

As a completely independent consultancy practice, all T2’ Consulting Group’s work is standards and specification driven, and not product based. This approach allows for a real tender process to take place, based on client specifications ensuring that the client has technical and commercial options. T2 Consulting Group is driven by the functional requirements and standards of its client and this forms the basis for its design concepts.

Validation and Testing

T2 Consulting Group’s business is in the real world and as such the solutions that it prepares, to meet the client’s functional requirements, must deliver the design intent and the outcome must be measurable. T2 designs to fixed standards and values. It only allows products to be used where the manufacturer’s performance claims are backed up by test results from a recognized testing authority and installed by vendors who are fully trained and certified by the manufacturer for product installation and support.

Value Engineering

Ensuring the value of the solutions proposed is part of the design process; and as part of its process, T2 will look at alternatives to ensure that the “best value for performance solutions” are given to the client for consideration without affecting the functional requirements. Part of the value add that T2 brings to the project is its 29 years of experience in India/Asia/MENA, meaning that T2 Consulting Group is very familiar with the products and solutions available in the market and the Company’s international work ensures that it is up to date with product developments worldwide as well. This increases the options that T2 has for selecting the appropriate solution for specific project requirements.

Post Contract Services

With technology solutions becoming more complex, 40% of our engagement with clients is now post completion of the project. We provide audit services on completed projects for functional performance, and on maintenance and support vendors as well, to ensure SLA/KPI compliance.

We also provide ongoing strategic technology planning services and standards development/documentation for clients who have future deployments planned.

Environmental and Sustainability Issues

T2 is committed to using the best products and build solutions that are environmentally friendly and sustainable. It is not only looking at the finished product and installation but also at how the product was manufactured, how it is shipped to site, how waste is to be disposed of, and what is the impact at the end of the building life span.